Islamic Republic of Pakistan

  • Official Name                                         Islamic Republic of Pakistan
  • Founder of the Nation                           Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (1876-1948)
  • National Poet                                         Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938)
  • Head of the State                                  Asif Ali Zardari, President
  • Head of Government                             Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani, Prime Minister
  • Capital                                                    Islamabad
  • Area  Total                                             881,888
  • Punjab                                                    205,344 Sq. km. 
  • Sindh                                                     140,914  Sq. km.
  • Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa                            74,521 Sq. km. 
  • Balochistan                                             347,190 Sq. km. 
  • Federally Administered Tribal Areas      27,220 Sq. km. 
  • Islamabad (Capital)                                       906 Sq. km.
  • Gilgit-Baltistan                                          72,496 Sq. km
  • Azad Jammu & Kashmir                            13,297 Sq. km

  • Population    :                                     177 million (estimated 2011)
                                                                       132 million (1998 census)
  • Religion                                                95% Muslims, 5% others.
  • Annual per capita income                    US $1085 
  • GDP                                                      5.8%
  • Currency                                               Pak. Rupee.
  • Imports                                               Industrial equipment, chemicals, vehicles, steel, iron ore,                       petroleum, edible oil, pulses, tea.
  • Exports                                              Cotton, textile goods, rice, leather items  carpets, sports goods, handi-crafts, fish and fish prep. and fruit
  • Languages                                       Urdu (National)  and English (Official)
  • Literacy rate                                       53%
  • Government                                       Parliamentary form
  • Parliament                                       Parliament consists of two Houses i.e., the Senate (Upper House) and the National Assembly (Lower House).  The Senate is a permanent legislative body and symbolises a process of continuity in the national affairs. It consists of 100 members. The four Provincial Assemblies, Federally Administered Tribal Areas and Federal Capital form its electoral college.The National Assembly has a total membership of 342 elected through adult suffrage (272 general seats, 60 women seats and 10 non-Muslim seats).
  • Pakistan National Flag                         Dark green with a white vertical bar, a white crescent and a five-pointed star in the middle. The Flag symbolizes Pakistan's profound commitment to Islam, the Islamic world and the rights of religious minorities.
  • National Anthem                                   Approved in August, 1954  (Verses Composed by: Abdul Asar Hafeez Jullundhri  Tune Composed by: Ahmed G. Chagla  Duration: 80 seconds)
  • Pakistan's Official Map                       Drawn by Mian Mahmood Alam Suhrawardy (1920-1999)
  • National Flower                                   (Jasmine)
  • National Tree                                      (Deodar)
  • National Animal                        (Markhor)
  • National Bird                             (Chakor)
  • National Sport                           (Hockey) Other Famous Sports: Cricket , Squash
  • Tourist's resorts                      Murree, Quetta, Hunza, Ziarat, Swat, Kaghan, Chitral and Gilgit
  • Archaeological sites                Moenjo Daro, Harappa, Taxila, Kot Diji, Mehr Garh, Takht Bhai.
  • Major Cities  Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Rawalpindi,      Hyderabad, Faisalabad, Multan and Sialkot
  • Major Crops Cotton, Wheat, Rice and Sugarcane
  • Agricultural Growth Rate       4.1 % on the average for the last six years--1.5% in 2007-08
  • Total cropped area                 25.01 million hectares
  • Industry Textiles, Cement, Fertiliser, Steel, Sugar, Electric Goods, Shipbuilding
  • Energy  Major sources       Electricity (Hydel, Thermal, Nuclear) Oil, Coal, Liquid Petroleum Gas  
  • Power Generating Capacity 22763 MW see more (
                 Hospitals                                                         916
                 Dispensaries                                              4,600
                 Basic Health Units (BHUs)                      5,301
                 Maternity & Child Health Centres                 906
                 Rural Health Centres (RHCs)                         552
                 Tuberculosis (TB) Centres                         289
                 Hospital Beds                                            99,908
                 Doctors (registered)                                  113,206 
                 Dentists (registered)                                      6,127 
                 Nurses (registered)                                    48,446
                 Paramedics                                            23,559
                 Lady Health Workers                              6,741

                 Primary Schools                                  155,000
                 Middle Schools                                    28,728
                 High Schools                                            16,100
                Secondary Vocational Institutions                 636
                Arts & Science Colleges                              1,066
                Professional Colleges                                 382
                Universities                                                   51

International Three (Karachi, Bin Qasim and Gwadar
Fish Harbours-Cum-Mini Ports Three (Minora, Gawadar, and Keti Bandar)
Post Offices                                           12,170 (
Telephone connections                           5,052,000 (
Public Call Offices                                   217,597
Telegraph offices                                          299
Internet Connections                                  2 million
Mobile Phones                                          10,542,641

Total Labour force                             46.84 million
Employed Labour Force                     43.22 million
Agriculture Sector                             18.60 million
Manufacturing & Mining sector               5.96 million
Construction                                       2.52 million
Trade                                               6.39 million
Transport                                               2.48 million
Others                                               6.98 million


 Brief History:  

Islamic Republic of Pakistan emerged on the World map as an independent sovereign state in 14th August 1947 as a result of division of the British Indian Empire .With a land area of 881,888 (including Punjab, Sindh, Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa, Balochistan, Federal Administered Tribal Areas, Islamabad Capital Territory, Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Jammu & Kashmir ).its population stands at nearly 177 million (2011 estimates). Historically, this is one of the most ancient lands known to man. Its cities flourished before Babylon was built; its people practiced the art of good living and citizenship before the celebrated ancient Greeks.

The region traces its history back to at least 2,500 years before Christ, when a highly developed civilization flourished in the Indus Valley. Excavations at Harappa, Mohenjodaro and Kot Diji have brought to light evidence of an advanced civilization flourishing here even in most ancient times. Around 1,500 B.C. the Aryans conquered this region and slowly pushed the Hindu inhabitants further east, towards the Ganges Valley. Later, the Persians occupied the northern regions in 5th century B.C. The Greeks came in 327 B.C., under Alexander of Macedonia, and ran through the region like a meteor. In 712 A.D. the Arabs, led by Mohammed Bin Qasim, landed somewhere near what is now Karachi, and ruled the lower half of Pakistan for two hundred years. During this time Islam took root and influenced the life, culture and traditions of the inhabitants of the region.

From 10th century A.D. onwards, a systematic conquest of Indo-Pakistan by the Muslims
 from Central Asia began and lasted up to 18th century A.D., when the British colonized the Sub-continent and ruled for nearly 200 years (for 100 years over what is now Pakistan). The Muslim revival began towards the end of the last century when Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, a renowned leader and educationist,
 launched a movement for intellectual renaissance of the Indian Muslims. In 1930,
 the well-known poet/philosopher, Dr.Mohammed Iqbal conceived the idea of a separate state for the Muslims of the Sub-continent, and in 1940, the All-India Muslim League adopted the
famous Pakistan Resolution.

After seven years of untiring struggle, under the brilliant leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah,
Pakistan emerged on the world map as a sovereign state on August 14, 1947, when the British Indian Empire was partitioned into two independent states - India and Pakistan.
